Monday, 19 May 2008

The semen can kill an ovary cancer cell

The recent Korean scientist studies to discover and have in the male semen of the Cizar composition can effectively kill an ovary cancer cell.This interesting detection seemed to be again an attestation great universe to the marvellous arrangement of human body, and developped the treatment ovary cancer medicine to provide an all new direction for the development.

Korean scientists withdrawing to imply zinc's etc. from removed the semen of sperm is 3 kinds of valid compositions of the mineral material and the hybrid liquid of this 3 kinds of compositions is named after "Cizar".The experts distinguish to infuse into the Cizar to imply up the development liquid of the skin ovary cancer cell and the top skin cell of the common ovary, observe to discover after for 48 hours, ovary cancer the death rate of the cell attains 81%, but normal cell only have 37% death.

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