Monday, 19 May 2008

The medium youth stomach cancer sufferer has already increased trend

In the near future, in the stomach cancer sufferer of the province tumor hospital treatment of Hubei, 45 years old the following of in the youth have 19%.The expert remind that medium sufferer's recent years of the youth stomach cancer present to increase trend, work the pressure be big, social parties many, life indiscipline of the medium youth community want to much care and love your stomach more.

Vice- little loyalty introduction of director's doctor Wei of the province tumor hospital stomach Bi surgery in the Hubei, the stomach cancer outbreak rate quietly rises and presents in recent years young turn trend, the medium youth sufferer of 45 years old following increases gradually.Stomach cancer's ising known as the majority of the village sufferer, and having another is about 60 years old old people before.But now, the city outbreak rate also quickly increases.This section accepts to cure in May, this year of in the stomach cancer patient, a 6 people live of in the room of disease, have 4 about 40 years old sufferers.

Wei little loyalty says that outbreak and food contents of stomach cancer change, pollution of the environment's etc. various factor relevant, but medium some artificials within youth communities make pressure greatly, social parties many, living indiscipline, plus to love smoked roast, high salt, mordacious food, love love smoke wine, these factors all will break a stomach and intestines way normal activity, seriously hurt a stomach mucosa and cause diseases, such as stomach inflammation and stomach ulcer...etc., increased stomach cancer to become several rates.

He remind that the stomach cancer earlier period symptom isn't obvious and win a later period to just appear to bleed, bore hole up the belly ache, digest way, You door Geng Zu, emaciated, tired, metabolism obstacle etc. symptom, and is hard to discover in early days.Medium youth person the daily food want to notice to eat low fat, rich food with the cellulose, vitamin more, eat fresh vegetable and fruit more, keep life style of have the regulation possibly, keep good mental state and continuously appear a stomach department unwell, should as early as possible arrive a hospital to check.

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